Is GBK’s TP1 solution worth it for my company? Is my data safe? Here you will get the answers to the most important questions.


you can access the relevant questions for control authorities and fire departments.


you will get to the questions about our software.


Who needs such a GBK-TP1 solution?

Anyone involved in the management and transport of dangerous goods, such as shippers and forwarders, as well as companies that want to save considerable costs and resources by using an electronic transport document for dangerous goods transports as well.

Which requirements do I have to meet in order to introduce electronic documentation of transport documents for dangerous goods in my company?

The basic requirement is a contract with the TP1 provider for one of the three model options. 

The following points are then derived from this:


  • Setting up an IT project for implementation
  • Involvement of the service providers / subcontractors
  • Training of all parties involved
  • Equipping drivers with data terminals (handheld)
  • Labeling of the trucks
  • Information on the use of the system in the vehicle
Do I have to log in or register somewhere to use TP1?

Yes, our client and authorities have to register with us. We have created the conditions via the TP1 server that only the operational and control forces authorized by the BMDV have access to the respective uploaded transport document in case of need. You will receive the registration and access to the GBK-TP1 portal from us.

Does electronic documentation for the transportation of dangerous goods make sense for me and what is the savings potential and how can this be roughly quantified?

In principle, process optimization and the associated changeover to electronic transport documents always makes sense. Costs for printers and printed documents are significantly reduced. Depending on the number of dangerous oods transports a company has, the savings potential increases proportionally. In some cases, savings are possible with just a few dangerous goods transports per day if the personal handover of transport documents is time-consuming. 

Our experts will be happy to provide an initial assessment at any time.

Is it necessary to train my employees on the GBK-TP1 system?

The use of the GBK-TP1 software is very user-friendly and intuitive. We would be pleased to offer you a short briefing on this.

What if I don't have any electronic documentation at all yet and want to make a complete switch now?

With our Model 3 (TP2 as a service with data conversion), we also offer the option of converting printable files (pdf files) into the TP1 data format using optical text recognition (OCR).

In addition, with our TP2 service, we offer a tool with which purely physical dangerous goods transport documents can be digitally recorded manually in order to generate an electronic transport document.

How secure is my data when I upload my promotion documents as PDF or XML to the TP1 server?

All data accesses are protected in the secure standard https:// with user name and password and are at the same security level as online banking, for example. Additionally, the data is stored on the server in encrypted form for security.

Is my data archived on the server and how long do I have access to it and does this fulfill my obligation as a shipper or carrier to archive it in accordance with 5.4.4 ADR/RID/ADN?

The shipper/carrier is responsible for compliance with archiving in accordance with 5.4.4 ADR/RID/ADN. 

The electronic transport documents for consignments that have been deactivated in the app by users of our TP2 remain stored in our TP2 for at least 3 months. However, it is not possible to generate an electronic transport document for a deactivated consignment with a specific time stamp. However, if desired, this could be programmed (against reimbursement of expenses).

What are the one-off or ongoing costs after switching to the GBK portal?

The costs are made up of a fixed fee for the use of the GBK-TP1 software (incl. update service) and the costs for the number of uploaded documents, both of which can be billed monthly or semi-annually. We also offer a low-cost annual prepaid package that includes the basic fee for using the GBK-TP1 portal – the EMTEL emergency number – and the number of up to 5,000 uploaded documents.

How future-proof is this system actually and how can I be sure that this system will remain valid for cross-EU transports in the future?

The official reference in subsection ADR to the use of the guide means that the system can be regarded as absolutely future-proof. The introduction of the system in other European countries is part of the desired solution for the use of transport documents in electronic form. The BMDV regularly consults with European ministries on the further development of a European standard.

The European Parliament and Council have also recognized that the digitization of legal freight information is the future and have therefore brought it into force in the form of Regulation (EU) 2020/1056 of 15 July 2020 on electronic freight transport information (“eFTI Regulation”). This states, among other things, that authorities must accept legally required freight information (e.g. for dangerous goods) in electronic form.

Can the electronic transport document also be used for cross-border transportation?

Subsection RID/ADR/ADN permits the use of electronic data interchange to fulfill the documentation requirements of Chapter 5.4.

This means that vehicles driving with electronic transport documents can in principle also drive across borders, provided that the following conditions are met:

¬ The procedure for recording, storing and processing data in electronic form in terms of probative value and availability during transportation must be of a type equivalent to that of written documentation.

¬ This equivalence is fulfilled if vehicles operate in accordance with the guideline (i.e. only carry the dangerous goods information required in accordance with subsection 5.4.1 ADR in electronic form and a corresponding digital display device for any display of this data).

No example has yet been set as to whether the authorities will accept the presentation of dangerous goods data on a mobile data display device in the event of an inspection abroad in the case of dangerous goods vehicles traveling paperless in accordance with the guideline. We assume that this is permissible and legally proof in accordance with RID/ADR/ADN.

What about vehicles that do not (or cannot) drive in accordance with the guideline?

This can be remedied by either having a printer on board such vehicles (which will rarely be the case) or by providing the transport document in paper form as usual.

Shippers who use many different carriers in cross-border transport and want to ensure that they are able to drive electronically in accordance with the guideline should generally inform them about this and could either make compliance mandatory or encourage them to do so via incentives (e.g. kick-backs, preferential handling in fast lanes, etc.).

The acceptance of purely electronic transport documents by authorities is in principle legitimized by Article 5 (1) of Regulation (EU) 2020/1056 on electronic freight transport information (“eFTI Regulation”), which entered into force on 20 August 2020 and will apply from 21 August 2024, which states that legally required freight information (such as dangerous goods information) provided electronically by companies must be accepted by authorities. However, companies are currently unable to meet the requirements set out in Article 4.
We will implement these requirements as quickly as possible as soon as the EU Commission has provided the corresponding specifications. Further we will also be involved in EU projects in order to develop coordinated and interoperable solutions with other partners across borders.

How do I get access to TP1?

As a company striving to transport dangerous goods using the electronic transport document, you will receive your access information for TP1 directly from us. Depending on the access you require, you will also receive a client/server certificate, which will be activated for automated data exchange. After registering, you can maintain your contact details in the system yourself and renew your certificates before they expire. 

Access is possible either via web application or via automated data exchange (more details at

Is my data secure?

Your data is secure according to the current state of the art. All data is transmitted via https connections in a tap-proof manner. The contact details of all system participants are stored for the duration of the registration with the BMDV or the duration of the business relationship (entrepreneur).

TP1 itself does not store any data content of the dangerous goods transports after the start of the journey, but only the reference numbers (e.g. vehicle registration numbers or wagon numbers) with the respective last status message of the transport (registration or notification). This data is stored in accordance with the legal obligations and subsequently deleted.

In the event of a data query by authorized bodies (authorities / public bodies), these accesses are recorded, logged and stored in the system. Then the dangerous goods data of the transport are queried from the entrepreneur and transmitted to the authority and thereby also stored in TP1 for the duration of the transmission. At the same time, the entrepreneur receives the contact details of the querying body. If there is reason to suspect misuse, entrepreneurs can analyze and trace these queries together with us.

The TP1 system is monitored automatically 24×7 and generally rejects unauthorized access without appropriate certificates. Thanks to intrusion detection, misuse is detected and the certificates used are automatically blocked.

Does the system run on European / German servers?

TP1 exclusively uses servers in the legal area of the European Union.

Is there technical support / hotline?

TP1 offers technical support to companies via email or hotline after your registration. You can find the corresponding information on our webpage. Please make sure that you always have your system-provided authentication information on hand when you contact us. Authorities / public bodies should first contact the BMDV with their inquiries.

Interface definition?

If you want to adapt your system to participate in the electronic provision of ADR/RID/ADN transport documents. In preparation for your IT here already the information about the interface definition:

Q&A for control authorities / fire departments

How do I create a certificate for my authority / public body?

A “client certificate” is required for public authority access to TP1, for which there are specialized companies, e.g. the German sources from Bundesdruckerei or, an initiative of Fraunhofer SIT. As a rule, a private key is generated here, which must remain in your custody and must be installed on all devices from which TP1 is accessed. We recommend securing the private key with a password. You will then receive the certificate from the certification authority, which you should ideally send to the German Ministry of Transport (BMDV) by signed email. Alternatively, you can also commission us with the implementation.
If you want to issue sub-certificates yourself, it is best to operate your own certification authority within your IT organization.

How do I get access to TP1?

The German Ministry of Transport (BMDV) maintains a list of certificates whose owners are to be granted access rights to the dangerous goods transports in TP1. The certificates must be suitable for “client authentication” use.

Authorized certificate holders can in turn issue subcertificates, which then automatically gain access to TP1 without these subcertificates having to be transmitted to the BMDV.
Before the first data query with a certificate, you must register in TP1. The registration must be updated if there are any changes to your registration data.

Access is possible in each case either via web application or via automated data exchange. (more details at

Is there technical support / hotline?

TP1 offers technical support to companies via email or hotline after your registration. You can find the corresponding information on our webpage. Please make sure that you always have your system-provided authentication information on hand when you contact us.
Authorities / public bodies should first contact the German Ministry of Transport (BMDV) with their inquiries.

How can I access the system and run a license plate query?

Please check first at whether your user certificate registered with the BMDV is recognized correctly. Then switch to the query page Registration is required for the first call. The contact details you enter will be transmitted to the data owner (i.e. the person who registered the dangerous goods transport with TP1) in the event of a data query. After that you can test the German license plate TES-T0815 to ensure the correct function.

Q&A about the software

According to, availability and probative value must be ensured. How can the authenticity of a transport document be proven in court?

It is possible to save the website with the transport document as a PDF.

Search for "train number": The "Train number" option is still missing in the "Type" drop-down field?

This is currently under development and will be available soon. The “Instructions for users” will be updated accordingly.

Input and search of data records: Is there an internationally fixed syntax for entering vehicle numbers, container numbers, license plates, etc.? If not: is there an error-tolerant search function that, for example, ignores special characters, spaces or similar? Example: the license plate "DI-ES 01" should also be found if "DI ES 01", "DI-ES-01" or other variants are entered.

German vehicle license plates must be entered with a hyphen or space between the city and the letter part; other spaces/special characters are ignored. 

When searching for international license plates, only the letters and numbers entered are taken into account. 

A search function is not provided by the TP standard and is not intended: If no unique license plate number is found, there is no result.

If after an event only parts of the license plate, container number, etc. are recognizable, is there a possibility to search for a number via placeholders? For example, in the DI-ES* type.

No, this is not provided for by the TP standard and is also not desired: If no unique identifier is entered, then there will be no result. Technical background: The TP1 interface has no search function and also no possibility to submit a list of hits.

How is modal shift/combined transport handled in this system?

TP1 is only available for road/rail/inland waterway vessels. When changing the mode of transport, the carrier must deactivate the previous vehicle (e.g. truck) and activate the new one (e.g. rail wagon). A carrier who uses r GBK as TP2 can update the mode of transport in the online application.

Does the type "Container" apply across all modes of transport or only to certain modes?

Container is container. Also across modes of transport.

Under which type are semi-trailers in piggyback transport to be entered and also found in the event of a check or incident?

Leading is always the license plate of the towing vehicle. When activating a road transport, other license plates can also be specified, e.g. from the trailer.

Assuming the case that the transport document can only be requested from TP1 via the authority access after completion of an on-site inspection, e.g. due to lack of network coverage. Further assumed that at this time the transport has already ended or the object of transport has left the federal territory. Is there a possibility to request the transport document at a certain time in the past?

No, it is not intended that way. If the license plate is released again by “Unload”, no history can be retrieved. However, our clients have storage obligations (3 months), which we are also happy to assume.

The TP1 standard provides for a history, but this has not yet been implemented. With the help of this function it will be possible to determine that there was an activated transport at a given time.

However, the dangerous goods data cannot be retrieved afterwards.

Further data is required for CIM consignment notes, such as the dispatch station, transfer station, receiving station and start of transport. Are these fields provided in the live system?

The TP1 system exclusively regulates dangerous goods transport paper according to 5.4 ADR/RID/ADN. Further requirements, for example from the CMR/CIM consignment note, will certainly be integrated at a later date in the course of adaptation to the Regulation (EU) 2020/1056 of 15 July 202 on Electronic Freight Transport Information (“eFTI-Regulation”.

What data prove that the document is unambiguous and valid exactly at the time of control? Are these the fields "Lieferdatum", "Pickup-Datum" and "id"? Is there any kind of "control stamp" or signature of the control authority that can be left on the transport document during a control?

When a query is made, the authority always receives the current valid status at the time. We recommend that you save the received document with you for evidence (printout / save as PDF or similar).

Up to now, information from the carrier to the locomotive driver about the dangerous goods loaded and their position in the train has not been implemented ( RID). This means, at the moment, that paper documents (e.g. wagon list) must still be carried when using the electronic transport document. Data complying with the requirements of of RID (carrier), as well as (b) (concerns carriers and infrastructure managers), would make the additional paper documentation superfluous.

The TP1 standard can represent the position of the wagon in the train (wagonTrainPosition and operationalTrainNumber), but the specification is optional.